Club na Máirte
Art Classes
Starting this Tuesday
Time: 10:30 - 12:30
Date: 13th February
Course Duration: 7 weeks.
Fee: €10 per week
To Register call or email us at.
Explore Your Inner Artist with Club na Máirte
Past Events/Classes Below

Join us next Saturday at the Carna Emigrants and Diaspora Centre.
The Island of the Music
Life, History and the Story of Fínish Island
The 27th of January 2024 starting at 10:30 in the morning.
Our main speaker is....Cóilín Ó hIarnáin
With Song and Music
Kevin Coyne on the Accourdian
and Eilís Nic Giolla Phadraig Singer and Guitar Player.
Entry is Free
There will also be refreshments, Tea, Coffee and a bite to eat.
Upcoming Events/Classes:
Imeachtaí agus Ranganna ag teacht aníos

Its moving into the Harvest of the year and Tuesday Club - Club na Máirte - starts up in the Emigrants and Diaspora Centre in Carna on Tuesday the 26th of September at 11:30 am.
It will be an opportunity to try out some artwork (paintings etc.) and there will be an emphasis on the heritage of Connemara. We will have an intstructor present to help out with the Artwork.
It will be an opportunity for conversation and coming together and there will be tea/coffee and a bit to eat provided.
We start-up the Tuesday Club events at 11:30a.m. and it continures until around about lunch time.
There is a fee of €10 per Class. Classes will run for five weeks.